Is your content working for you? or against you?
Understand with our in-depth qualitative and quantitative data analytics, how and why your content & campaigns met the targets or did not. Answer burning questions such as: why it did not work for us? And worked for competition? Why it worked in this segment? And not in the other?
Build on this invaluable data insight for better content & campaigns and ensure future success.

Learn how our qualitative language analyses spot positioning mistakes in your campaigns. How much they were aligned to your positioning in market, and whether they contributed or impacted your brand perception and position in market.

Get a detailed psychological analysis of whether your campaign had the “right hook” for the “right audience”! and how this contributed to the success or failure of any particular campaign.

Gauge actual qualitative responses! Go beyond the inflated impressions, reach and engagement numbers to have a real look on response from audience by a highly crafted scientifically founded linguistic analysis of responses!

Your content = Your success
6 out of 10 businesses have content that does not contribute to their growth! Most organisations do not consult specialists on nature and type of content of their materials whether it is website content, social media content, or even communications with communities and clients! Maximise the power and influence of your material through our content-specific analytics whether language or visual!

Data-informed Content Strategy
Get your content strategy reviewed, proofed, or written by our expert team for optimal audience engagement based on a thorough psycho-analysis of your audience, your business or organisational targets, short-term and long term objectives. All with a proper linguistic and visual alignment with your brand identity, positioning and reputation.

Unveil real insights of your organisation!
Easily discover the corporate culture by our quick linguistic material analysis of cross-company communication, feedback forms, or even get custom-made reports on specific aspects such as innovation, levels of conflict, creativity and problem-solving levels of the whole organisation or company, or even for a specific department!